Here's an opportunity for you to break free. Free from being alone in this world of abundance and cheer. Find your way out by learning how to move from your feelings of Loneliness to one of Cheerfulness. Seek your freedom now, not later.'
Who should attend: Individuals who are:
• Feeling lonely, stuck or left out
• Desirous of people connect
• Living alone, having few friends
• Facing difficult situations
Change Response Profile (CRP) Assessment aims to determine concerns people have when a change is implemented in their environment. It facilitates in identifying and responding accordingly to the worries, attitudes, and perceptions of people as they deal with the challenges of changing the way they work.
It also,
• Provides early indication of reasons for resistance within the organisation
• Offers insight into what exactly concerns an individual regarding the change
• Facilitates the management’s understanding of apprehensions and challenges faced by their workforce to deal with change effectively.
Communication Pattern Analysis (CPA) evaluates the way a person interacts, which is learnt from the environment and their upbringing.
It measures 4 aspects of communication as indicated in the image:
This assessment is based on Eric Berne’s Transactional Analysis which assesses the impact of various factors like upbringing, environmental influences etc. that establishes certain communication habits of the individual.
This assessment takes a maximum of 25 minutes to complete.
Make it HappenEach manager/leader has his or her unique approach to leading people which may be effective in some situations or may be rendered ineffective under certain circumstances. The awareness of personal leadership style and its implications is imperative to be able to develop leadership skills and flex leadership techniques according to situational demands.
This assessment takes a maximum of 25 minutes to complete.
Let's TalkThe People Performance Competency 20 is a user-friendly, environmental influenced tool which helps individual/organization gauge the present level on 5 Meta competencies namely: Managing Change, Planning and Organizing, Interpersonal Dynamics, Result Orientation and Leadership, which are further subdivided into 20 core competencies, on a ten-point scale.
This is a comprehensive assessment based on the work of well recognized psychologists & management specialists like Boyatzis, Kirton, Mintzberg.
This assessment takes a maximum of 35 minutes to complete.
Let's TalkEach and every student learns and understands differently. Their minds are influenced differently by their heredity, their upbringing, and their environment. The ‘One-size fits all approach’ just does not work with respect to learning, intelligence and education.
TAWs battery of assessments will provide a holistic understanding of one’s attitudes and interests as they relate to possible subject and career choices. The development happens and begins with the assessment of the student’s uniqueness and one’s true potential that needs to be nurtured right to make the right choices at the right time.
The 4Cs Assessment assesses the influence of an individual’s environmental conditions, i.e. upbringing as well as the work environment. Such factors steer them to behave the way they do. It gives an insight into the intrinsic motivation, preferences, and traits of the assessed individual. This is represented as the interplay of 4 basic behavioural factors namely Controlling, Convincing, Conforming and being Consistent.
It categorizes individuals as “People Oriented” or “Task Oriented”, which in turn reflects their style of getting work done. It also helps find out if an individual is “Initiator” or “Responder” to the environment and people.
This assessment takes a maximum of 20 minutes to complete.
Let's TalkThe FITS Assessment is a hereditary measure which assesses the individual of distinctive characteristics which have been categorized into 4 comprehensive personality styles. Based on Carl Jung’s research on the ‘Psychological Type’, the FITS helps you discover your inherent personality style that helps you gain a better understanding of how you behave, think, react and respond to any life situations. It also assists people in learning the art and science of influencing others.
This assessment takes a maximum of 20 minutes to complete.
Let's TalkThe Behaviour Pattern Analysis assesses the individual’s approach to communication, interpersonal relations, sense of urgency, information processing under varying conditions. It helps identify an individual’s ability to flex or maintain consistent behaviour in various situations of the patterns and styles that one assumes both at work and on the personal front based on B F Skinner’s research. This assessment takes a maximum of 25 minutes to complete.
Let's TalkThe primary responsibility of an organisation is to make their people independent and get them ready to face the complexities of corporate life. Our solution provides you with the ability to understand their performance competency. You will be able to maximize your employee’s potential, understand their learning challenges, and deal effectively with introverted/extroverted employees. The solution helps you to create an ideal learning environment that guides your employee’s intellectual growth.
Let's Talk